I haven’t written yet today (which is actually last night as I usually add the writing prompt the night before). So before I go to bed I will grab my notebook, write Jan 14, 2012 – SKIN, at the top of the page, set my phone timer and get something on the page. There’s a chance it won’t be good. Of course that’s always the case, but tonight in particular, because I’m tired. What matters however, is that I keep my January Jump Start going and just write.

I watched basketball game film all day, scouting and stating and prepping for the next 2 games. I was trying to clean the house and do the laundry too, but the bookshelf is not ready to pass the white glove test and only two loads made it to the washer before I headed off to the gym. (girls and boys JV & Varsity basketball games)

That was at 2:15, and I just recently got home. It’s now 10:50pm. Fortunately I’ve still got some adreniline coursing through my veins from our big win tonight so I should be able to keep my eyes open and get a little practice in. But before I do I want to wish you a prosperous day of  writing. Write on!

Today’s prompt is a photo. Take a look and let your pen fly…

January 15, 2013 – Writing Prompt: