The kids went back to school and we are back on our “normal” schedule. Maybe it’s just me, but ever since I had kids, there is really no normal, just organized chaos, but I do my best. In fact, there was a day, before kids, when I modeled and played basketball, and that was about it. There is a part of me that misses those days, but then I look at my family and I can’t imagine life without them.

I am a little grateful that they are back in school, but mostly I am grateful for my daughter belting out Adele in the shower after basketball practice today and my son curling up next to me on the couch to watch football this evening, and for Sassy and Bruno, our boxers, sitting on my feet during dinner and licking my salty shins. And very grateful for those salty shins, because it means my knee is feeling better (after 3 weeks on the mend) and that I’m finally able to play basketball again and actually sweat.

Our lives ebb and flow, as we change jobs and hobbies and interests, as people come and go, and as our daily responsibilities keep us bustling. But no matter where life takes us, what really matters, is if we can be grateful for our current “normal”. Take a moment to list a few things that you are grateful for today…