I had my first (and hopefully last), root canal this morning at 7:00am.  I was hoping maybe it was all a mistake. My tooth wasn’t really hurting all that bad. But with X-rays and sensitivity tests it was decided that yes, a root canal was in order.

When the doc started working she reconfirmed that it would have been a matter of time, things already looked pretty inflamed. She made note of the fact that I must be pretty tough. I liked this. (This in itself is a blog all its own.)

To me, getting a root canal is a sign of getting old. This, I didn’t like.

My dad said to me once, “Sonya, you’re only as old as you feel.” This morning I feel old. But as the numbness in my mouth fades so will my melancholy mood, and I’ll be glad my tooth ache is gone, glad for modern medicine and glad that I’m still healthy and happy and have a quiet afternoon to write.

What makes you feel old? How do you keep yourself young at heart?

WRITING PROMPT #1: Write about getting older…

WRITING PROMPT #2: Stella sat in the dentist’s waiting room…