IMG_1002 - Version 2

It’s not sunny today, but there is no rain and the birds are singing so it feels like spring and I love it. I have the urge to go for a walk, work in the yard, really enjoy the day. What I don’t have, is the urge to do my TAXES. But I’ve been putting it off long enough so it’s time to pull out the receipts and bills and start sorting.

Every year I go through this struggle and every year the process is not nearly as bad as I image. Still it always puts me in a state of ongoing procrastination, until that final day when I can’t stand it anymore. Which I have decided will be today.

And then after I’m done preparing my taxes, I can truly enjoy the music of the birds and if I’m lucky, maybe by then, a little sunshine.


WRITING PROMPT #1: Write about the times that you procrastinate in your life. What are some ways that would help you stop your procrastination?

 WRITING PROMPT #2: Sierra dropped a shoebox filled with receipts on her accountants desk and walk out the door without a word…