Last Saturday I had plans. I was going to finish building a rock wall in our front yard, weed the back yard, clean the house, walk the dogs, take my son to his baseball game for a couple of hours and then relax and hang out. Then I checked his baseball schedule…a double-header in Maltby?

“There goes my Saturday,” I grumbled. Then I moped for a long while. That’s a good 7 hours with minimal traffic. I couldn’t let it go. But finally I stepped back for a better view.

I had a book to write and a chapter from a friend’s book in progress, to read.

I was “stuck” in Maltby. No responsibilities, nothing. I grabbed my journal and printed out twenty pages of my book. And then added Jenny’s printed out chapter. I packed a cooler with grapes, cheese sticks and crackers, along with some lemonade. And last, but not least, made sure my beach chair was in the Vanagon, a MUST, so I could plop myself near the outfield, where I would have a better view of the game, but also separate myself from the fans and ensure that I would focus, and take full advantage of my day in Maltby.

Take a moment to re-evaluate your schedule so you can find the time to write, or do what you love, mixed in with life’s adventures.