
In our house we have three Young Adult Fiction readers. Last weekend I brought home five new YA Novels from Portland. It quickly became a battle for the books.

I bought the books and should have priority right? Well, I’m also a slow reader compared to both of my kids and often I have less time to read. So I gave-in knowing that the books would be ready for me to read in 24-48 hours. Still I didn’t just hand them over, it was more fun to watch each kid fight a little when they wanted a new book…that I had just started to read.

It’s been one week, and both kids have finished all of the books they desired.  I am one chapter into Breaking Point, four chapters into Reached, five pages into Steelheart, Drooling over the thought of starting Fragments, savoring the cover of Because It Is My Blood and skimming through another non-fiction book Happiness is an Inside Job, the words of which I’m trying to take to heart, trying not to be frustrated with the lack of time to sit down and read.

So, this morning, before I wrote this blog, I made my breakfast, brewed a cup of tea, grabbed a book, plopped myself on the couch and read a chapter.

I found a moment for me.

Fight for some time for yourself. Crack a book and read.

WRITING PROMPT:  Sandy opened the book and…