
My daughter and I are going to be taking a writing class together at the Hugo House, a community writing space in Seattle. (We are both working on Young Adult Novels.) Simply the act of scheduling the class has inspired me.

With my 2013-14 basketball season coming to an end (I still  have the last couple of basketball games to stat, a sports banquet to organize, and spring b-ball plans and summer camp to finalize) I have a little more time to write, but with a class on the horizon, I feel a fire to get working.

My daughter started having her boyfriend read her work, which has helped her to write more often so that she has new pages to give him. My friend Jenny and I are planning a writing retreat to get away for a weekend and focus on the page. Try something different to get inspired.

Write on!!!

WRITING PROMPT Opt #1: Write about what inspires you.

WRITING PROMPT Opt #2: Beth stood at the top of the mountain…