I like the expression Go With Your Gut. It’s a way of saying, “believe in yourself.” And it rings true in many areas of life.
I used the expression recently with my daughter. We are taking a writing class together where we receive a lot of critiquing. Critique groups are great and can help expand and strengthen writing, but I warned my daughter (and reminded myself), that when she was receiving input on her writing, to be open for suggestions, take in all the ideas and opinions, but in the end remember you’ve got to go with your gut, it’s your writing.
Let your writing be in enhanced by the critiques, but don’t allow the input to drag you down. Because it can. I’ve been in a group session that left me frustrated and upset and wondering why I bothered to write at all. This is not what classes and writing groups are about. A good group, like the one I am in now, influences choices and inspires, but in the end you are the one doing the writing and you must believe in yourself and the message of your story.
Go with your gut.
WRITING PROMPT: Write about a time that you went with your gut. What happened?How did it feel?
Aw, thanks Sonya! And it’s so true!
Solid, profound, smart advice, THANK YOU.