There is mayhem in our house. We’ve had two weeks of construction. Two weeks with no washing machine. Hours with no water. A wayward water pump and lots and lots of noise. Later this week, the dust and pounding will move to our kitchen.

My husband is complaining. “It’s been a month already, when will they be done?”

“It’s only been two weeks,” I remind him. “Four or five weeks to go.” I give him a wink. He works out of the house. His home office is not easy to work in. I’ll have to admit, the noise doesn’t foster an enviroment for writing either, but when is life ever perfect. Today I’m making myself write. What I come up with may not be award worthy, or worth reading for that matter, but I’ll use the old NIKE adage and  JUST DO IT…just write.

Whether its writing or doing something else, there will be days you’ll need to remind yourself to just do it.

WRITING PROMPT: Celina was curled up in her velvety soft sofa by the fire, reading her book, when she heard a loud pounding outside the door…