
It’s a new year! I don’t know about you, but although I had a great holiday season, I am ready to get back to some semblance of a schedule. 4 people and 2 dogs in the house 24/7 means a lot of laundry and dishes and mess to keep up with and no “me” time to do it.

This morning the house is empty (Well except for Bruno and Sassy-and they are quietly waiting for a walk-and myself. ) So I feel light. Like I can breathe. That’s the way I’m built. I enjoy people, especially my family, but I need to spend some time alone or I wind up like a top, ready to spin out of control. I rarely do…spin out of control, but I feel it on the inside.

I have a quote in my room that I do my best to follow, but it’s not easy for me. It reads:

PEACE. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Hmmm. Not an easy task.

Sometimes I just want my house to myself. It’s not like I think, “great the house is empty I’m going to toss myself on the couch, eat Bon Bons and watch TV”. In fact, when I’m alone I feel more inspired, even for the not-so-fun-stuff like paying the bills and cleaning toilets. Crazy I know.

It’s just after 9:00AM and already I have done the dishes, folded a load of laundry and watched the video (and took stats) of our last basketball game. Now if I could only figure out how to find that clam and energy amidst the chaos.

If you have any ideas…let me know.

WRITING PROMPT – Option 1:  Write about what you envision 2014 will look like for you.

WRITING PROMPT – Option 2: Write about how you find peace in your life.