My daughter and I started our writing class last week. We were supposed to submit 10 pages to our new writing partners by midnight on Sunday. I just emailed mine. That’s 12 hours late and let me tell you, I don’t feel good about it.
What is it about never having enough time in the day?
Just when I think I might be caught up, I remember a dozen more things that need to be done. I normally pick a couple of things that are near the top of my list and then do them, then a couple more and a couple more. And sometimes they are not quite in order. There are even those things, like the last bit of tax information that I still have to wrangle up and sort and give to my accountant, that somehow slip by without getting done until I just can’t stand it anymore.
But I’ve learned over the years that there will ALWAYS be things on my list and not enough time to do them, so I just have to breathe, check things off my list as I go, make sure to take some time to enjoy life and then start the process again.
WRITING PROMPT 1: How do you make good use of your time? What methods do you use to keep your to-do list in check?
WRITING PROMPT 2: Clara glanced at her watch and sprinted out the door…