
Last week we did “I Like You” team building. It’s simple yet powerful. I hand out papers to the team that have a couple of quotes about teamwork at the bottom and at the top they have a blank space and then “I like you…”. Each player gets an “I like you” paper for each teammate. (ex: If you have a team of ten, each player gets nine papers). Next the players write each of their teammates names on an I like you paper. Then the fun begins.

I ask the players to write down things that they like about their teammates. First-timers to this activity often take a while to get going but players that have done it before grab their papers and spread out around the locker room or court and get to work.

“Sarah I like you because you are such a good friend on and off the court, and you’re a total stud on defense.”‘ “Olivia I like you because you show us how to work hard everyday and you never give up. Never! Not to mention you can always make me laugh when I’m having a bad day.”, “Katie I like you because you can shoot the lights out, you rebound like a beast and I can talk to you about anything. you’re the best!”

When the players are done they put the papers in a big pile. That night I divide the papers up so all the like names are together, then I staple them into a little book. When the girls go to the locker room before our next game, I hand out the I Like You’s so that the players can read them while they are getting ready. There is no better way to start a game than by receiving positive energy  from your teammates.

Before your next game give I Like You team building a try.

Print out the I Like You document below and get to work….