It’s that time of the year. Yes, it’s fall, but more important, it’s almost basketball season. And if you are an athlete, this means it’s time to get ready to get on the court. To get in basketball shape.
Nothing but playing basketball and doing basketball drills truly gets you in shape for running the court, but there are a lot of things that can help. If you are in a fall sport like soccer, you may still be in running shape but you might want to look at finding a couple of nights a week to shoot the ball, lift weights or play at open gyms. If you are in a fall sport, like golf, you might need to do a bit more so you can start the season in good condition.
I’m a proponent of young athletes playing different sports (read more in my blog Variety is the Spice of Life), but as the next season nears, it’s important to prepare yourself, and give yourself the best opportunity for success. It’s not alway easy if one season runs into the next (for example when you make playoffs and your season extends a couple of weeks), and of course players have to keep up with school work, but it’s important to take a moment to look at your schedule, think about what is important to you, and if possible take some time to get prepared for your upcoming season.
Make this preparation time fun and you will be more inclined to find the time to do it. Get together with teammates or friends and run hills, meet in the weight room, play some 3 on 3 or hit open gyms. When I was coaching, I opened the gym several mornings and afternoons during the week. During my first year very few players participated in preseason activities, but year by year the mindset of the players changed and then the fall before what was to be my last year at West Seattle High School, a couple of the players asked our conditioning coach to get them ready for the season and a majority of the girls from our program, Varsity, JV, as well as some freshman girls, took part in preseason workouts. By our first practice a majority of the team was in great shape.
As Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” I have found this to be true in many areas of my life, and that year our Varsity went undefeated in the Metro League and placed 6th in the State Tournament.
Go out and prepare yourself for the best season yet!

photo by Paul Mosely