
In Friday’s PeaceLoveBasketball blog I wrote about how a person’s energy can affect a group. Our friend’s favorite holiday became our favorite holiday (at least for the day). We donned the parties theme attire – red, white and blue 70’s – and came prepared to celebrate. I related this concept, how one person’s enthusiasm can change or alter the opinions of many, to basketball, but of course it relates to life and writing as well.

Writer’s often work alone. So one person’s input and energy can have a great impact.

Years ago, when I started my book, Back on the Court, a writing coach read through bits and pieces of my first-draft. She was so positive and encouraging I felt inspired to move forward. A couple of years later (yes, a couple of years, that book was a 10 year project), an acquaintance, and fairly accomplished writer, read my much improved manuscript and had nothing good to say about it. Initially I was devastated, but after I sorted through the hurt and irritation, I moved forward and reminded myself that his opinion was just that, an opinion.

It was also a reminder to surround myself with positive energy. That’s not to say that a person can’t, or shouldn’t, have readers and editors that suggests changes or recommend new ideas or tell you that a portion of your writing isn’t up to par, because that is why you have people read your work, to help make it better, but this help can come with a gentle heart.

Surround yourself with people who share your ideals and support your hopes and dreams with enthusiasm.

WRITING PROMPT #1: Write about a positive, supportive writing experience.  Write about a negative experience.

WRITING PROMPT #2: Della and Jonathon joined the party just as…