I was off the grid for two and a half weeks. I loved it.

I suppose it didn’t hurt that I was on an adventure in Africa, but not being connected, allowed me to really enjoy my time there. Be in the moment. Not worry about my emails and phone messages and texts. Just see, hear, smell, taste, feel. Live.

I did miss the opportunity to share what I was experiencing with my family. No texting photos every few seconds. Look, a lion. A hippo. A leopard. A Crocodile. But on my return I snuggled up on the couch with them and shared photos and video clips which was even better.

The time with no electronic connection was peaceful, energizing, inspiring. Had it not been 110 degrees it would have been the perfect environment to write and one I’d like to mimic from time to time, during my everyday life, cultivating an environment to create.

Turn off your electronics, grab a notebook, find a cozy spot and go off the grid. Write or just be.

WRITING PROMPT: Sarah kicked her tire, threw her phone in the dirt and started walking…