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PEN TO PAPER: Sleep Sagas

Sleep has been on my mind a lot lately. Mainly because I’m having a hard time doing it. I suppose that I’m not the only one, life in general has been a bit stressful over the last year. I thought I might sleep better after the election and once I was vaccinated, however, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

I’ve watched the Master Class on sleep, read books and listened to podcasts. I’ve adjusted my diet, continued with exercise, I get out into the light in the morning, occasionally I work on breathing techniques and yoga (this is a tough on for me to stick with). I am consistant with the time I head to bed and the time I roll out of bed in the morning, yet good sleep still seems illusive to me, until last night.

Now the pressure is on. What did I do yesterday that was so different than what I do on any other given day?

The answer. Not that much. I did some things that are recommended by the science and some that are not. I rode my bike to the market, watched a track meet on TV, met my son for a picnic dinner and then my husband and I took my Volkswagen Vanagon to a spot with a view of the sunset. We ate sausage and cheese from the market, as well a couple of pastries, and of course had a glass of wine. And against good sleep etiquette we watched TV again, right before we went to bed.

I woke up rested for the first time in a long while. I’m not sure what did it, but if it’s wine, desert and TV, I’m in.

How have you been sleeping? What helps you sleep better?

For today’s writing prompts let’s take a closer look at sleep…


PEN TO PAPER: Mothers & Memories

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I want to talk about moms. I’m lucky, I have a great relationship with my mom, but mother-daughter relationships can be complicated and often flex and change over time.

Here is an example from a time when I wasn’t that fond of my mom:

I’ve been eating, sleeping, and sitting in this house for thirteen days now and I want out. I’m with people I love, but I don’t care. I hate my mom for taking a leave of absence from work and being with me all day, for trying to help me get better when I don’t want to.

I hate the way the gold wire rims of her glasses accent her caring eyes.

I hate the way she cooks my favorite foods and tries to mask her disappointment when I don’t show any enthusiasm.

I hate the way she manages to think of my every need before I do, as a good mother should. And she is a good mother, a great mother, and right now I hate her for that.

(Read the full article here, A Mother’s Love)

WRITING PROMPT 1: Write about one of your favorite memories of your mom.

WRITING PROMPT 2: Write about a time that you and your mom did not get along.

WRITING PROMPT 3: Ava heard her mom walking down the hall and when the door creaked open she…


PEN TO PAPER: Lakeside

Today’s writing prompt is the photo above. Take a look and write what comes to mind. Write on!



PEACELOVEBASKETBALL: 3 Must Watch Basketball Movies

I’m a sucker for a great basketball movie and here are three that you’ve got to watch. When I was a high school coach I would always have a “movie night” and show one of these three movies to the team. Each is based on an inspiring and thought provoking true story.


Coach Carter is the true story of Ken Carter who made headlines for his emphasis on the importance of academics over athletics. I don’t want to ruin the movie if you haven’t seen it, but he even benches his entire team and locks them out of the gym to prove his point. As you can imagine, the athletes and the community are not happy about it. Watch the movie tonight and find out what happens!


Believe in Me is the story of a girl’s basketball team in a small Oklahoma community during the mid-1960’s who want to play basketball just as much as the boys do. The movie, based on the book, Brief Garland: The True Story of coach Jim Keith, delves into the inequalities in girls sports pre-Title IX and tells the story of the coach, and the young women, who work for the chance to play the game they love. (BTW: In the movie the girl’s play five-on-five, but during that time in history girl’s played a six-on-six half-court game, some states still played the half-court game up until the early 1990’s. Learn more about the history of women’s basketball HERE & HERE)


In 1965, Texas Western Coach Don Haskins recruits a team based on talent rather than race, and even though the team is winning, the conservative community is upset […]

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Meet Sonya

Sonya Elliott’s memoir, Back on the Court: A Young Woman’s Triumphant Return to Life, Love & Basketball, is her story of finding hope in the wake of tragedy […]


Meet Sonya

Sonya Elliott’s memoir, Back on the Court: A Young Woman’s Triumphant Return to Life, Love & Basketball, is her story of finding hope in the wake of tragedy after she and her fiancé were hit by a train. She blogs about writing, basketball, and life and is currently working on a Young Adult Novel and a Non-Fiction Coaching book. Stories of her career as a fashion model are woven through her memoir, as both the Soloflex and Easy Spirit Shoes commercials were filmed during that time period, and this unique and intriguing business continues to be a part of her life.

Sonya played basketball at Eastern Washington University and was a starter for the Big Sky Champion team that went to the 1987 NCAA tournament. She coached for almost 25 years and was voted Seattle Times Coach of the Year, Seattle Officials Women’s Basketball Association Coach of the Year, and twice voted Metro League Coach of the Year. She loves the game of basketball and is thankful, not only for her husband and kids but for her ability to continue to get back on the court.


PEACELOVEBASKETBALL: The Evolution of Women’s Basketball

A lot has changed in women’s basketball since I first hit the court. Check out my article, Yes We Can Play at Stack Sports. The piece looks back at the history of women’s basketball and shares how changes such as, moving to a full-court game with dribbling, using a smaller ball and the addition of the three-point line have all taken place during my lifetime…[READ HERE]

PEN TO PAPER: Beat the Heat

It is HOT in Seattle. In fact it’s so hot, it’s hard to think. So I’m keeping today’s prompts quick and easy. Stay cool out there!

WRITING PROMPT #1: Look at the photo above and then write.

WRITING PROMPT #2: How do you like to beat the heat?

WRITING PROMPT #3: When Candice turned on the AC it…


PEN TO PAPER: A New Normal

Since Covid, life has been quite different for most of us. Many have lost family and friends, or had them fall deathly ill. Many of us have spent a lot of time at home and sequestered from much of the world. But now as the majority of the population begins to get vaccinated and Covid case numbers decline, what does it feel like for you as life returns to a new normal?

I know I’m happy to get out and see more people, but I am still hesitant when I go into a store where people are not wearing masks. I have close family and friends who are vulnerable and ones who could be negatively effected by a positive test, even if they don’t get sick. (Think of athletes who have missed out on games, matches and money after testing positive). Covid is still around, and though I’m vaccinated, I feel like […]

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