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Award winning coach Sonya Elliott talking to a player. Peacelovebasketball blog about the fact that coaches don't know everything.
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PEN TO PAPER: How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything?

My husband loves the quote, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” I don’t always agree. I know that when there is something that I care about I put more effort toward it. When I was coaching I was all in, worked to be the very best I could be at my job, but then I’ll admit, other parts of my life suffered a bit. I was once a perfectionist. I even used to rewrite my math homework. Though it might not be for the best, I have learned to let some things go. I just can’t keep up. There is no way that I could do everything the way that I would like it to be done, because I also like to do too many things.

How about you?

WRITING PROMPT #1: Put “How you do anything is how you do everything” at the top of the page or blank document and start writing.

WRITING PROMPT #2: I always….

WRITING PROMPT #3: Clare looked at the room and…

PEN TO PAPER: Memorial Day

WRITING PROMPT #1: What does Memorial Day mean to you?

WRITING PROMPT #2: What does the American Flag mean to you?

WRITING PROMPT #3: Collin looked up at the flag and…

PEN TO PAPER: A Method to the Madness

I finished the first draft of my young adult novel this month. I have a long way to go but the bones are there, and it feels good. This first draft is quite different compared to the first draft of my memoir, Back on the Court, mainly because a majority of that draft was written by hand. It seems crazy now, but I did like putting actual pen to paper.

I couldn’t cut and paste and adjust words, thoughts and paragraphs with ease like I can on a computer, but I could pick up the papers and feel them and then spread them on the floor, look at them, and move them around until they fit where they belonged. I liked seeing and organizing the madness. Recently, I found pictures from that time, so many years ago, when I escaped to a cabin on the Washington coast and gathered all the bits and pieces of my writing and pulled them together. It’s hard to imagine doing it that way again, but somehow it worked and I managed to take that rough draft and create a book.

Do you like to write on your computer or on good old-fashioned paper?

WRITING PROMPT #1: When I write by hand…

WRITING PROMPT #2: When I write on my computer…

WRITING PROMPT #3: Bailey sat down at her computer just as…

PEN TO PAPER: Phone Frenzy

We all have cell phones these days. Phones that we almost never use to make phone calls. They probably shouldn’t even be called cell phones or mobile phones; they should be called mini mobile computers, since that’s what they are.

I try not to use mine often. But with emails and Instagram, I spend more time on it than I’d like. Sometimes I wonder how much more I would get done if I just turned it off all day. But then I think, what if my kids call? What if my parents call? And of course, I leave it on. It’s hard to imagine that twenty-two years ago when I was pregnant with my son, I packed up my Volkswagen Vanagon with my two-and-a-half year old daughter and boxer dog and drove more than 2500 miles to southern California and back (only broke down twice) with no cell phone.

And I survived.  Unfortunately, now it’s hard to imagine a day without my cell phone by my side.

What about you?

WRITING PROMPT #1: Write about your relationship with your phone?

WRITING PROMPT #2: What would you do without your phone?

WRITING PROMPT #3: Olivia walked into the little glass booth and looked at the black box with a dial of numbers and cord hanging from it and then…

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Meet Sonya

Sonya Elliott’s memoir, Back on the Court: A Young Woman’s Triumphant Return to Life, Love & Basketball, is her story of finding hope in the wake of tragedy […]


Meet Sonya

Sonya Elliott’s memoir, Back on the Court: A Young Woman’s Triumphant Return to Life, Love & Basketball, is her story of finding hope in the wake of tragedy after she and her fiancé were hit by a train. She blogs about writing, basketball, and life and is currently working on a Young Adult Novel and a Non-Fiction Coaching book. Stories of her career as a fashion model are woven through her memoir, as both the Soloflex and Easy Spirit Shoes commercials were filmed during that time period, and this unique and intriguing business continues to be a part of her life.

Sonya played basketball at Eastern Washington University and was a starter for the Big Sky Champion team that went to the 1987 NCAA tournament. She coached for almost 25 years and was voted Seattle Times Coach of the Year, Seattle Officials Women’s Basketball Association Coach of the Year, and twice voted Metro League Coach of the Year. She loves the game of basketball and is thankful, not only for her husband and kids but for her ability to continue to get back on the court.


PEN TO PAPER: Backwards History

Years ago, for a class writing exercise, we wrote our life story backward. There were no rules and it didn’t have to be perfect. Let’s give it a try. You can add a lot to each section or do the exercise several times for different parts of you life. (jobs, relationships, hobbies, etc). However you do it, it’s always interesting.

Example 1:

I am a divorced mother of three and a restaurant owner who loves to play tennis

Before that I was married, I waited tables and watched tennis on tv.

Before that I was single, I was in culinary school and I played tennis almost every day.

Before that….

Example 2:

I am a husband and I import toys from Europe.

Before that I was single and I traveled the world with my best friend.

Before […]

PEACELOVEBASKETBALL: Improve Your Shooting This Summer

During my first season playing high school basketball, I averaged 3 points per game. The next year I averaged 17 points per game and was one of the leading scores in our league. What changed? I set a goal to become a better shooter, worked on my shot and tracked the whole process.

Improve your game this summer by setting goals and using a habit tracker…[LEARN MORE HERE]

PEN TO PAPER: Reading Rituals

I wasn’t always a reader. And I still don’t read nearly as much as I probably should (being a writer), and for sure not as much as I would like. But I read more than I ever did when I was young.

Since I’m a slow reader, Audio books have helped speed up my pace. All I have to do is open my library app and put in my AirPods when I walk my dog or run errands, and I knock off a couple of chapters. Still, my favorite way to read is to hunker into a cozy chair with tea and a good old fashioned book and just immerse myself in the experience.

How much do you read? And what is your favorite way to do it?

WRITING PROMPT #1: When I read I…

WRITING PROMPT #2: Write “BOOKS” at the top of your page, or document, and start writing. 

WRITING PROMPT #3: Jenna picked […]

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